Dr. John Montanee
A New Orleans Voodoo Grimoire
Ten Pages - click on image to enlarge
Succession of John Montanee, October 6th, 1921 to December 14th, 1921
Recalled By: Madame Barbara Trevigne
Source: Civil District Court, Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana
# 138844, Division E, Docket 1, microfilm, New Orleans
Public Library
This succession was pursued 36 years after Dr. John
Montanee’s passing.
This document is critical to the practitioner in that it legibly lists Dr. John’s children, facts from their lives, addresses of houses, and other information that can be used to build a relationship with Dr. John. Decades ago, when working with Marie Laveau, I would recite lists of her children’s names and facts from her life before inviting her to occupy a chair that was kept empty for her in our house temple.
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