Benjamin Rowe Fund
Benjamin Rowe (1952 - 2002) was a focused and dedicated American Kabbalist and ceremonial magickian who spent much of his short life engaged in the exploration and enhancement of a magickal system communicated to Dr. John Dee by angels known as Enochian magick. Much of his work was also inspired by the Golden Dawn and he utilized a good deal of the ritual structure used by Frater Achad. A prolific writer and astute observer, he left the occult community a legacy of insightful and inspiring works.
Benjamin Rowe Memorial Grant Award
In honor of our friend and fellow magickian, we at Black Moon Publishing have established the Benjamin Rowe Memorial Grant Award. The purpose of this Award is to recognize individuals and/or groups that best exemplify the continuing spirit of Ben’s work and is open to all whose efforts strive to serve the occult community through the sharing of resources, knowledge, good will, etc. This award is offered each time royalties from the sale of Ben’s books accumulates to a sufficient amount.
If you would like to be considered for this award or would like to nominate an individual or group please contact us with all pertinent information including:
• Name
• Contact info
• Reason for nomination